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源氏大招台词 源氏大招台词怎么打 改观网完整收录

实际上对于源氏大招台词 我并不是很熟悉,我们需要不断的从里面去找寻才可以发现里面的台词,事实上里面的源氏大招台词 ,就是有关英雄的台词,我们可以从中去受益学习

源氏大招台词 源氏大招台词怎么打


I will protect the innocent 我将守护无辜者

震爆弹: Get back! 退后!

Clearing the area 清场

A field eliminated 区域已排除 ?????

击杀: Target neutralised 目标已清除

大招:Justice rain from above !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 正义从天而降!!!!!!!!

Justice rain!!......awwww 正义从!!。。。。。啊。。。。(英雄阵亡)

Justice !.......awwwww 正义!!。。。。。啊。。。(英雄阵亡)



With every death comes honor ,with honor ,redemption 每一次死亡都伴随着荣誉和救赎

龙之眼(简称龙眼):See through the dragon eyes 透过龙之眼

Marked by the dragon 龙之标记

击杀:Too easy 易如反掌

The dragon hunger 龙之渴望

散射: Strike !!! 中!!!

复活: Never ! Surrender! 永不投降!

大招:龙が我が敌を食らう!(Ryuu ga waga teki wo kurau!) 龙啊吞噬我的敌人!


Did someone called a doctor? 有人要找医生吗?(PS谁打的120?)

加攻击:You're ready to do some damage 你要逆天啦

Power up 能量增强中

Damage Boost engage 伤害加成开启

You're unstopable! 你已经无人可挡!

加血:Healing stream engage 治疗光束开启

I am taking care of you 莫慌,抱紧我……(冲啊,有罩子)

Where does ot hurt ? 哪边疼?

击杀:You may not want to tell your friend about this 这个你可能不想告诉你的朋友(DPS被辅助单杀还能不能玩了)

援护:Right beside you 我掩护你

大招: Heros never die 英雄永不凋谢



Justice will be done! 正义将会被伸张!

盾:Don't worry my friend , I am your shield 不要慌我罩着你

Shield is leaking out!! /Shield won't last forever !盾要撑不住了!!

Shield destroyed!! 盾被摧毁了!!

受伤: I am not as young as I used to be !!老了浪不动了

击杀:I'm just getting warmed up 我才刚热身

大招:Hammer down !!! 共产主义火箭重锤!!



Imagination is the essent of discovery 想象是探索的源动力

护盾:This will protect us! 这个能保护我们(“安全”套……)

Shield activated 护盾激活

大招: arrrrrrrrhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!.......(猿族崛起!)

杀人: Pardon me /Excuse me 不好意思(我很抱歉)

Once more into the breach 再次进攻


Cheers love! The cavalry here! 别担心宝贝!皇家骑兵在此!


Wicked!! 真好玩

Get back (往回闪的时候)

回溯:Just in time 刚好赶上

Now ,where were we? 我们刚刚进行到哪了?

Everyday is that feeling deja vu 感觉似曾相识?(dejavu是法语的既视感)

大招:Bombs away! 投弹!(王炸!)

Wait for it.....等着吧(走着瞧.....)

you need a time out! 你的时间结束了!(你需要一个暂停)感谢10楼提醒

连杀 :Hard life这里原作者没翻译(不容易啊)www.ggrj.com

Anyone else ? 还有谁?

And .....stay down! 乖乖躺好!

回溯的时候还有一句台词:let's do that again! 让我们再来一次!


One shot ,one kill 一枪一人头

击杀:Go to sleep 长眠吧

Next 下一个

I could do this all day 我能狙一天!!(鬼畜版:我能打一天手枪!!)

Music to my ear 天籁之音(被杀的人呻吟还是枪声?抖S....)

大招:No one can hide from my sight 没人能躲藏!

复活:Lock and Loaded 子弹上膛



Together we re strong 聚沙成塔

护盾:Getting there ,you 're covered (不用说了,大姐你也罩着我是不?)

Barrier is on you ,go!! Don't fall back 护盾开启了,快上!不要逃避

Just a scratch 只是点小伤

复活:I'm still in the fight 我还没有退出战斗

Give me your best shot 你就这点能耐?

连杀:Onward through victory 向胜利进发

大招:Gravity kills 致命的引力


2017-08-15 15:13   阅读

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